Friday, March 7, 2014

In the Rider's Grove

Here’s a test you can try. 
Ride ‘injun’ style for a couple of weeks to get in practice –
 and it dogone sure takes practice. 
Figure where you ride best; first at a walk,
 then at faster gaits until you can go wide open across rough country.
Can you ‘get with him’ best in the 'Rider's Groove' ...
... or there in Figure 5? 
Figure 5 kinda looks like a border country woodchopper on a burro!
I possible, have pictures or video taken so you can study them later.

In Figure 6, at a slow lope you’ll find the photographs look similar to this.

Some people bow their backs while riding,
but if they do it puts more weight on their seats, 
making it harder or the horse to carry them.
In Figure 7 - Keep the fact in mind that when you run you will naturally have to lean forward to say in balance with him – and that’s the way he can carry you best.
The steadier the horse goes the less need for security by grip.

In figure 8 – Now, consider the average stock-saddle rider.
He’s a pretty far back from the horse’s balance, isn’t he?
Even when he stands up in his stirrups,
which are 8 to 10 inches behind, where the horse carries him best,
 he still can’t get far enough forward to help the horse like a jockey does.

In Figure 9 – Compare the bareback rider to the saddle passenger. How do you figure three race horses, equal in running ability, carrying the same total weight, would finish, if one was ridden with a stock saddle, another ridden with a race saddle and he third bareback for a distance of from a hundred yards to as far as they could go?
How would you place your bets?

The stirrups are hung directly underneath the pommel on the jump saddle; the knee flaps allow the rider to place his weight in front of his stirrups on the horse’s shoulders where jockeys , polo players and bareback boys go to get with ‘em; which happens not only to be the place where the horse can carry weight easiest, fastest and to handle best at speeds; he also can go cross country and jump higher and safer too! 

Compare the Poriani Jump and stock saddle as to placement of sturrups; see where it is impossible for the stock saddle rider to even use the part of the horse’s shoulder that gets ‘em the easiest and fastest.
The rigging of the two saddles are in the same place, as are the saddles on the horses.

The rider’s problem is to stay where the horse can handle his weight best. The type of saddle or the type of horse makes no difference. The horse’s loin (No.1) is the weakest part of his back. The rider must stay on the horse’s balance (No. 2)  through all movements for better results

On the break from the roping chute, the rider is caught behind the horse’s balance which slows them down. It’s not a good roping position, either! The rider needs to be up off his seat.

So we started moving the stirrups back, arbitrating between comfort or horse and rider –
 and the basic principles for better performance by getting closer to the ‘carry spot’, or ‘rider’s cruve’.

The Monte Foreman Balanced Ride Saddle
“The stirrups are now hung approximately the same distance
 from the front of the bars as on the U.S. McClellan – about four inches farther forward than on the majority of double-rigged saddles”

The 1928 McClellan Saddle

The testing for the proposed improvements to the M1904 McClellan began in 1923-4 and resulted in the adoption of the modification known as the Model 1928 McClellan. This saddle reflects the changes in the theory of horsemanship that took the military world by storm before the war. Based on the work done by Caprilli of Italy, the method was taught to many officers attending the Saumur riding school in France before, during and after the war. This theory, basically stated, emphasized a closer relationship between the movement and action of the rider and horse. In terms of equipment changes to the McClellan, it would require increased leg contact with the animal, which had never been very good to begin with, and shorter, lighter stirrups.
The actual changes in the saddle are quite noticeable. The old rigging was cut away at the edges of the saddle, with the quarter straps nailed down and sewn into the edge. The old stirrup straps were discarded and replaced with lighter weight straps, usually equipped with roller buckles.
The greatest change was the addition of a saddle skirt and "english" type girth webbing and straps. To accomplish this, the seams on the outer edges of the saddle were opened. The skirt was nailed to the surface of the tree, after which the girth webbing was nailed down. The straps, three in number, were usually sewn and riveted to this webbing. At this point the cover seam was resewn. This may have been done to retain the strength in the seam and save time. Later modifications also replaced the sheepskin linings with hard felt pads, sewn on as were the previous sheepskin linings. The girth was also changed during the 1930's, with the olive webbing being supplemented by a mohair cord girth. This latter girth was also issued with the M1936 Phillips officers saddle. 

This 1928 WW2 McClellan saddle follows the original specifications, 
original tree used, or a new wide 1904 style. New russet leather cover, correct side skirts, 
wool covered underbars on tree, cavalry model US covered stirrups,brass hardware, six coat straps.
English style rigging. No original girth available at this time
. Please check the current catalog for saddle prices, and the Saddle Gear we have to offer.
You will be completely satisfied with this WWII saddle.
1928 McClellan -New wide 1904 style tree. New leather covering, correct side skirts, wool covered under bars upon request. US embossed 4 ½” covered stirrups. Three down billets per side English rigged. Six coat straps, new brass hardware and reproduction girth .WWI034…...……
1928 Girth – Reproduction WWI040……….. …$70.00

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Boz Slick fork Western cut   Boz Swell fork English cut

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