Saturday, March 8, 2014

Ride Like a Trooper! - School of the Trooper

Riding is Training and Training is Riding


The American Cavalry Method

Having been involved with horses for most of my life, training both horse and rider, the subject is near and dear. Spending five months with the First Cavalry Horse Platoon, back in 1979, one would think I learned about the American Cavalry Method, there, but that was not the case. By 1979 the Cavalry had lost the knowledge of its own heritage, its roots.

We rode, almost daily, shot balloons, sliced watermelons with sabres, and rode in parades and the weekly retreat ceremony, but never studied the techniques laid out in the Cavalry Manual. There wasn’t even have a copy of the Manual in the Unit.

That knowledge came later. The primary lesson to be learned, about horses, is control. Because without control there is no safety and without safety, it is not fun. Controling the horse, requires controling yourself and a sense of balance, emotional and physical, both 

Why would a big, strong, active animal (like a horse) be interested in becoming a friend and servant to man is a real mystery. Looking back on the history of the world, we have to wonder what it would look like to day if it were not for our friend -- the horse.

 In the Western part of the United States, the horse still plays an important part in the life of a great many folks. Every day, people move here from other parts of the world; many have getting a horse high on their want list. I know it was true for me and it could well be true for you, no matter where you live in the USA.

I mentioned that the importance of the horse being the servant of man. We can safely say that horses are not ambitious. They are looking for comfort, safety and friendship, along with, food and water as needed. As a general rule, it would be safe to say that when dealing with horses, the worst thing you can do is to hurt the horse. The memory system within the horse is very strong. It makes him relatively easy to train; but, it also can make him fearful of someones action.

 As you look at a horse as a friend and servant, you possibly envision riding your mount in some exercise or discipline. As mentioned, horses are easy to train, but you should realize that training a horse takes not only the right attitude, but a system to follow that will give you the right results.

The American Cavalry had that system down, pat.

As you take a look at the system to be followed, we can start with a horse, male or female, at about 3 years old. By this age, he or she is big enough to handle the training to which it will be exposed. This is the beginning of his basic training. There are at least eight actions that are expected at the end of basic training:

 Accept tack and equipment used by the rider.

Stand quietly when tied to the rail or other unmovable object

Can be mounted and dismounted without moving

Does back up when required, under control

Goes forward when cued, under control

Turns right or left on request
Stops when cued to do so

 When the horse can be successfully and safely managed covering all those points, the horse could be considered to be broke to ride.
To reach this level, you can follow various paths -- acquire a young horse and do it yourself (not recommended) -- buy a young horse and have a competent trainer -- buy an older horse that has been used by his owner in an activity in which you hope to be active -- and advance, if necessary,  with the help of a trainer.

If you have not already made a decision with regard to how you are going to use your horse the time for a decision is fast approaching -- English or Western styles. Up to this point, the basic schooling is about the same. The ADVENTURE starts here.You may already have an idea as to what activity will get your attention. Hopefully, the information that is being presented on these pages will help you to get off to a good start.

The better you understand the training of your mount, the better trainer you will be;
Riding is Training and Training is Riding!

 Everything you do with your horse will teach you something. Dont hurry, take the time it takes to do it right. Remember – dont hurt your horse.

We are looking forward to seeing you on the trail...or in the arena.

U.S. Cavalry's Role in Modern Horsemanship

The U.S. Cavalry provided the foundation for the equestrian industry of the U.S. It wasn’t until 1912 in Stockholm that equestrian pursuits were routinely included in the Olympics. Led by Capt. Guy Vernor Henry Jr. the first U.S. team was fielded from the U.S. Cavalry.

Capt. Guy Vernor Henry Jr

In fact, until the cavalry was disbanded in 1948, every single U.S. equestrian Olympic team was made up of members of the cavalry or U.S. Army equestrian team; civilians were not invited to take part until the Helsinki games in 1952, the same year women were first allowed to compete in Olympic equestrian events.

Harry Dwight Chamberlin was born in Elgin Illinois in 1887. Following graduation from West Point in 1910 Chamberlin was commissioned a lieutenant of Cavalry and posted to Custer’s famed 7th Cavalry Regiment at Fort Riley, Kansas.
Lieutenant  Chamberlin’s early  Army career were spent fulfilling the duties of a cavalry officer and he came to command of a troop of cavalry in the Garry Owen Regiment. Then in 1916 hr was a promoted to Captain and assigned to West Point as an instructor of Cavalry tactics.His immediate Commander one of the most influential cavalry officers and horsemen of the twentieth century, Lieutenant Colonel Guy V. Henry.

Returning to Fort Riley after WWI Chamberlin was assigned to the department of horsemanship. He earned a position on the 1920 US Equestrian Team which was preparing for the 1920 Olympics. The 1920 Olympics Harry Chamberlin competed in both the "Military" as the Three Day Event was then called, and in the Prix de Nations (Prize of Nations) show jumping.
From 1925-1927 Harry Chamberlin was stationed at Fort Bliss,Texas where he taught horsemanship and played polo. With his leadership, the 8th Cavalry Polo team won championships in 1925 and 1926. In addition toplaying polo his regular duties and responsibilities.

 Commanding a cavalry squadron of more than 300 troopers and 500 horses. 
His squadron patrolled the border between the U.S. and Mexico.

Chamberlin returned to Fort Riley in 1927 to serve in the department of horsemanship. Here Harry formally instituted the more forward riding, the balanced seat accompanied by a shorter stirrup became the basis for all of the horsemanship instruction at Fort Riley. Many Riley graduates knew this forward for cross-country riding and jumping, as the "Chamberlin Seat."

 The Forward Seat was adopted by the US Cavalry School

He became a member of the Army Equestrian Team which competed at Madison Square Garden in New York, and across Europe. He was selected to the 1928 Army Equestrian team and competed in the Olympics in Amsterdam.

Harry Chamberlin was captain of the record making Army Olympic team in 1932 . Once again he competed in 3 Day Event, winning team gold, and also in Show Jumping where he won the individual silver medal.
Harry Chamberlin’s five qualities needed to become a good horseman.
  1. a normally alert mind
  2. a mind with an analytical turn asking “how” and “why”
  3. average physique
  4. regular practice
  5. theoretical knowledge
Harry Chamberlin was responsible for the riding instruction of thousands of men during his career and he he oversaw the training of more men than horses. His training and teaching produced the generation of American Cavalrymen, who trained the civilian riders in the decades after the Cavalry was dismounted in 1946-47.

Because of his ability to lead men, understand horses, and comprehend the various theories of horsemanship and relate those concepts in ways that could be understood by the average cavalryman, Harry Chamberlin was probably the finest horseman ever produced by the U.S. Cavalry. He was a soldier and a horseman, laying the foundation for modern riding in the U.S.
Chamberlin’s method not only became models for the balanced seat/eventing riders and the forward seat/hunter riders, he effected stock seat/western riders through men like Monte Forman and John Richard Young (The Schooling of the Western Horse 1961).

The most important principle that transfers from the Fort Riley/Balanced Seat to any kind of riding is the rider’s base of support, which is the lower body. It is there that the rider must balance and keep the upper body quiet. This is called muscle group separation.

"Every rider is a horse trainer."

 - Monte Foreman

One of the western riders from Fort Riley was Monte Foreman who spent his professional life working with horses-as a cowboy, arena performer, , polo player, competitor, horse trainer, and who was amongst the last of the instructors at the U.S. Calvary School at Fort Riley, Kansas.. Foreman was at Fort Riley when Harry D. Chamberlin, probably America’s best rider ever, was in charge of the Cavalry School. 

Foreman may well be the clearest link back to French dressage, through the US military seat, and into contemporary western riding. His book, Monte Foreman's Horse-Training Science is a classic and is the keystone of knowledge to in the delvelopment the ‘Basic Handle’ system

It was at the Cavalry School where he discovered the value of using film in the training program of  the soldiers learning to ride. Foreman used the training methods he learned in the Cavalry to develop a program that  could train both horse and rider, to move together as one, as quickly as possible. The rider being made to understand the mechanics of the horse. After leaving the military at the end of WWII, Foreman went to work at the legendary King Ranch in Texas. At the King Ranch  he ran the horse training and horsemanship programs, and further developed the principles used in the ‘Basic Handle’

In writings published from 1951 to 1954 in the Western Horseman magazine Monte Foreman made reference to Chamberlin’s writings, as published in Riding and Training Horses, and Training Hunters, Jumpers and Hacks


Figure 1: “Excellent jumping: rider's weight in heels; 
balance perfect; hands light; horse contented and free”

Figure 2: "Correct form during descent. - Note rider's weight in heels and on knees; seat out of saddle; hands feathery light" (In many outfits cavalrymen were taught to jump at least three feet without stirrups, maintaining the same form. It can also be done bareback, riding the same place, same form.)

 Figure 3 "Correct form in landing. Weight received principally in heels; seat kept out of saddle by stiffening knee joints and setting muscles of back;  hands low and soft; loins free of rider's weight which allows painless engagement of hind legs under the belly as they come to ground." (This is the best way invented so far to ride in balance and is timed with the horses actions. Any time the rider's timing or balance is lost, he must hang onto something with his hands, usually ending up with something like English riders over the Liverpool Ditch.)

The Cavalry Horse

 From the Journal of the United States Cavalry Association, 
Volume 18  /  circa 1907

The cavalry horse must be sound, well bred, of a superior class, and have quality: gentle and of a kind disposition, thoroughly broken to saddle, with a light and elastic mouth, easy gaits, and free and prompt action at the walk, trot, and gallop; free of vicious habits, without material blemish or defect; and otherwise conform to the followin description:

A gelding of uniform and hardy color, in good condition; from 4 to 8 years old; weighing from 950 to 1,100 pounds, depending upon height, which should be from 15 to 15-3/4 hands.

Comanche - 7th Cavalry - Survived 'The Little Big Horn' 

Head - Small and well set on neck; with ears small, thin neat, and erect; forehead broad and full; eyes large, prominent and mild, vision perfect in every respect, muzzle small and fine; mouth deep; lips thin and firmly compressed; nostrils large and fine; and branches of underjaw(adjoining neck) wide apart. 
Neck - Light, moderately long, and tapering toward he head, with crest firm and longer than the underside; mane fine and intact.
Withers - Elevated, not unduly fine, well developed and muscled
Shoulders - Long, oblique, and well  muscled.
Chest - Full, very deep, moderately broad, and plump in front.
Fore Legs - Vertical, and properly placed; with elbow large, long, prominent, and clear of chest; forearm large at the elbow, long, and heavily muscled.
Knees - Neatly outlined, large , prominent, wide in front, well situated, and well directed
Back - Short, straight, and well muscled.
Loins - Broad, straight, very short and muscular
Barrel - Large, increasing in size towards the flanks, with ribs well arched and definitely separated.
Hind Quarters - Wide, thick, very long, full, heavily muscled, rounded externally, and well directed.
Tail - Fine and intact, well carried and firm.
Hocks - Neatly outline, lean, large, wide from front to rear, well situated, and well directed
Limbs - From knees and hocks  downward vertical, short, wide laterally, with tendons and ligaments standing well out from bone and distinctly defined.
Pasterns - Strong, medium length, not too oblique, and well directed
Feet - Medium size, circular in shape, sound; with horn dark, smooth, and of fine texture; sole moderately concave, and frog well developed, sound, firm, large, elastic, and healthy.
Each horse will be subjected to a rigid inspection, and any animal that does not meet the above requirements should be rejected * * * No white or gray horses will be accepted.

 Based in part on
 Notes on Equitation and Horse Training 1909
and The Manual of Equitation of the French Army for 1912
Revised and Edited by Jack Hawkins
War Department,
Office of the Chief of Staff,
Washington, July 16, 1910.

Authority having been obtained for the use of the Notes on
Equitation and Horse Training, School of Application for Cavalry at
Saumur, France, translated by Maj. George H. Cameron, Fourteenth
Cavalry, assistant commandant, Mounted Service School, Fort Riley,
Kans., and approved by a board of officers convened at the Mounted
Service School, they are herewith published for the information of
the Regular Army and the Organized Militia.

Washington, April 28, 1913.

Authority having been obtained for the use of
the Manual of Equitation of the French Army for 1912,
translated by First Lieut. Adna R. Chaffee, jr., Thirteenth Cavalry,
it is herewith published for the information of
the Regular Army and OrganizedMilitia.

By order of the Secretary of War:


Education of the rider. — The education of the rider supposes his horse to be trained. This part of the instruction comprises all which is especially addressed to the man; it describes the qualities of the instructor and the method to be followed to develop the rider's aptitudes. Morally, it aims to establish his confidence; physically, his muscular suppleness. It teaches the proper seat and the best means for its maintenance, and it establishes the principles for the guiding and use of the horse.

The seeking of these results requires the following of fixed principles and much practice. The instruction, too, can not be the same for all grades of the military service. Elementary equitation is that given to recruits, and its phases are contained in The School of the Trooper, Mounted; it comprises only what is absolutely necessary to the trooper in ranks. Secondary equitation, whose development forms the object of this manual, is entirely reserved for the instructors; they can draw from it the ideas to impart to the noncommissioned officers and selected troopers in perfecting their instruction.

The superior instruction in equitation is more especiallyreserved for officers who, besides accuracy and the practice of bold riding, should endeavor toacquire all the "finesse" of the art. This is the object of the riding instruction given at the Cavalry School.

These several degrees of instruction differ from each other only in their extent and in the indication of more or less elementary or scientific methods according to the abilities of the riders to whom they are addressed; they rest on the same principles and tend toward the same object, and insure a harmony of instruction which is indispensable to the proper use and the progress of the Cavalry.

Ends to seek. — The preparatory work described in the regulations very briefly, involves some developments, from the instructor's point of view, without which this work will not produce the expected results.The successive objects to be attained in this first part of the instruction are: To give confidence to the rider; togive him means for holding on; to lead him to acquire independence in the use of his aids; to give him the proper position of the trooper mounted.

Establishing the confidence of the rider. — The mounted instruction of the recruit is hindered at the beginning by anunreasoning, instinctive revolt of his nervous and muscular systems which leads to contraction. This is combated by vaulting and by having the recruits rideby the side of older men who hold the recruits' horses by the longe, by encouraging them, by establishing their confidence, and by out-of-door work.

The particular contractions which show up from the beginning of individual work will disappear under the use of the suppling exercises prescribed in the School of the Trooper.

In order to miss none of their useful effects one must follow a logical order; commence by the seat, the loins, the shoulders, the arms and head, and not undertake the movements of the thighs and legs until ease in the top of the body is obtained.
The best suppling, however, is good humor, which leads promptly and directly to

Maintenance of position — As soon as confidence is obtained, we must fix the rider in his seat in order to push his instruction. The rider is maintained in his saddle by his seat and the stirrups.

(a)The seat. — Seat is that quality which permits the rider to remain master of his balance in all circumstances,whatever may be the reactions of the horse.

It is the first quality to be sought, because it is the basis of solidity, and therefore of confidence, and it is the measure of a good hand without which neither management nor training is possible.

It results from a general decontraction, particularly from suppleness of the loin. The road to it is opened by appropriate gymnastics, and it is acquired after a time from trotting and galloping without stirrups and from riding many different horses. These alone put the rider truly with his horse.
However, this result requires long practice; and in seeking too much in the beginning, we risk soreness and fatigue—and go contrary to the end in view.

(b)The stirrups.— It is necessary, then, in order to quickly give confidence to recruits, to have recourse to a second means of maintenance—not so good, but sufficient—which will permit them to remain mounted longer and to progress without chafing and without hurting the mouths of their horses—the stirrups.

The trot without stirrups will rarely be used except in the riding hall or for short trips out of doors as a suppling or proof of the decontraction. The time of the trotting will at first be short and frequent, then lengthened little by little, to push down the thighs and place the seat; all of the riding-hall work, including jumping, can then be done without stirrups.
Routine work, long sessions out of doors, marches and maneuvers, in one word—time—accomplishes the end begun without stirrups in the preparatory work, and will give the men as good a seatas they can acquire in their short term of service.

By this means one will gain the time necessary to devote to the second part of the instruction, the management of the horse.

Special gymnastics for the rider.— The management of the horse depends on the independence of the aids—the base of their future accord. This independence is the result of special exercises towhich the young rider should be submitted from the beginning of the preparatory work.

The instructor endeavors to obtain: 
(1) The independence of the hands with respect to the movements of the body and legs.

To obtain this result he commands the flexions of the trunk, more and more marked forward, backward, right and left, suppling of the shoulders, etc. In all these movements the hand or hands which hold the reins should remain in place without stiffness, in contact with the horse's mouth, but independent of the movements of the trunk. And so too with the legs, the raising and turning of the thighs, and the bending of the knees should produce no counter blow against the horse's mouth.

(2) The inepndence of hands and legs with respect to each other

In order to obtain this liberty the instructor will command all suppling exercises tending to isolate and to render independent the movements of a hand or a leg with respect to each other. The most useful movements to obtain the result sought are the rotation of one arm to the rear; fist blows to the front and rear, tapping the horse on the right buttock with the left hand, and vice versa, girthing and loosening the girth, etc. The instructor watches always to see that the movement of one of these parts of the body does not lead to movement of the others. The results of this work are proved by extending the gait, sitting to the trot or trotting without stirrups. If this gymnastic work has been well directed, the joints and members have acquired an independence such that the reactions of the horse, received by the spinal column, have no deranging effect on the rider's hand, which remains light and steady.

From the beginning the riders must be impressed with the importance of these exercises. It is necessary to see,besides, that they neither let the reins flop nor make too much use of their strength. In a word, one should seek to teach them to just feel the horse's mouth. This feeling, in developing little by little, will serve to establish the principle of the stretched reins and of the gentle contact of the hand with the horse's mouth. It must be spoken of, and sought from the beginning.
Position of the rider.— This is defined in the Drill Regulations. By reason of the positions given them, the superior and inferior aids can act with a maximum of promptness, aptness, intensity, and "finesse."

Certain of the suppling exercises facilitate the play of the joints, and permit the correction of physical defects and the overcoming of the resulting contractions. A general suppleness being acquired, the instructor seeks a new objective, to place the rider and then to fix his position at all gaits, on all horses, and over all terrain.

When the instructor commences to take up position he should utilize the first time at the walk to place each rider individually before starting the section to trot. As soon as the positions are deranged, he must retake the walk, replace the riders, and start off again. Whence comes the necessity, at the beginning, for short and frequent periods at the trot? Thus, good positions will be acquired.

Fixity on horseback is the absence of all involuntary or useless movement and the reduction to strict necessity of those that are indispensable. It is the opposite of bouncing. It permits the aids to act with precision and exactitude, and in consequence it leads to calmness in the horse and contributes to his lightness.

It must be understood that regularity in the position is subordinate to union with the horse. To be with his horse is the first quality in the rider. To be well placed generally leads to being with the horse; there are, however, some conformations which would only lose by being forced into position.

A good position of the rider depends above all on the manner in which his eyes, hands, buttocks, and knees are placed.

(a) The fact of having his eyes alert and sweeping the horizon will lead to the rider's holding his head up, keeping his chest square, and sitting down in the saddle. Further, from the beginning, the men learn the habit of observing what goes on around them.

(b) If the hands are well placed, separated as they should be, the nails face each other, the elbows come against the body naturally;in consequence, the shoulders fall back, the chest is free, and the head is easily raised. On the other hand, if the nails are down, the elbows fly out, the shoulders come forward, and close on the chest; the head follows the movement of the shoulders, the eyes are lowered, while the buttocks tend to slide to the rear.

(c) The seat results from the position of the buttocks. They should be as far forward as possible without leading to an exaggerated sinking of the spinal column.

(d) If the knees are well turned inward the muscles of the leg are placed under the femur and the flat part of the thigh bears naturally. The position of the knee controls that of the foot, which hangs normally.

Suppling exercises. — It may be seen from the above that the suppling exercises play an important part in the instruction of the rider; but their use demands tact. Used by some instructors, without order or method, they give only mediocre results; by others, however,
they very quickly improve even the least gifted riders. Considered together, the suppling exercises have a triple end, as they serve to obtain: 1. General suppleness; 2. suppression of involuntary movement; 3. regularity of position.

The instructor chooses and groups for these three objects the exercises which to him appear most suitable.

In the first two cases the exercises commanded are addressed to the whole section, since the instructor seeks a general result. In the last case, however, the proper exercises should be selected for the individual rider, since it is a question of overcoming an individual defect: It must be remarked also that some of the exercises oppose each other, and when they are used the object sought must be exactly known. Thus, the elevation of the thighs, particularly favorable in placing the seat, evidently destroys the benefits from the rotation of the thighs, destined to bring the flat surface to bear and to lower the leg.

At the end of several weeks of well-conducted instruction confidence is established; the contractions diminish. The riders commence to find and keep a seat in the saddle, their joints are freer; in consequence their movements are most controlled. The position is established. It is now time to take up the management of the horse and set forth its principles.


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